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 %22old school%22 transportation
4th grade Rendezvous 2023

"old school" transportation

smiling student at seltice game night
Game night 2023 was a big hit!
Elementary students running cross country
Elementary Cross Country

Final meet at Q'emiln Park

GT Showcase featured 3rd grade biome drawings and endangered animal infographics
GT Showcase featured 3rd grade biome drawings and endangered animal infographics
family playing a boardgame at seltice game night
Playing a board game brings families together.
Alien Hat Day!
Alien Hat Day!
Alien Hat Day!
graphic about absentee ballots
picture of SRO helping a student
KTEC student photo
graduation picture
students wrestling
students measuring snow pack
nurse taking student temperature
students walking into school
middle school band students
picture of security camera
reminder to vote May 20

Principal's Message

picture of principal falon

Welcome to Seltice. Our goal is to empower students to achieve their fullest potential through a foundation built on love, fostering a culture of excellence, and embracing accountability for personal and academic growth. I strongly believe that partnerships with the school, families, and the community are essential for the success of our students. I look forward to working closely with each of you to ensure that every child receives the support and guidance they need to succeed.

~Falon Rowland, Principal

News & Events

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School Messenger

The Post Falls School District has joined the School Messenger emergency notification system. The system allows the district to communicate via SMS text messages to parents regarding important matters such as a school lockdown, school closure (weather or otherwise) or other issues that affect their students.

To receive school notifications, you must opt in to School Messenger and your student's school must have your current cell number entered in their system.

Please follow the steps below to opt in:
**Send a text message to 67587 with "Y" or "Yes” in the body of the text.
**You will receive a confirmation text reply that you are registered with School Messenger.

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